Anti-Discrimination Policy

This policy applies to all aspects of ZamWays' operations, including but not limited to recruitment, employment, customer service, merchant interactions, and partnerships.


At ZamWays, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all our merchants, customers, and employees. We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual and strive to promote equal opportunity and fair treatment. This Anti-Discrimination Policy outlines our commitment to preventing and addressing discrimination in all forms.


This policy applies to all aspects of ZamWays' operations, including but not limited to recruitment, employment, customer service, merchant interactions, and partnerships. It covers all ZamWays employees, contractors, merchants, and customers.

Policy Statement

ZamWays strictly prohibits discrimination, harassment, or any form of unequal treatment based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Key Principles

  1. Equal Opportunity Employment

    • ZamWays is an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions, including hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, training, and termination, will be made without regard to any protected characteristic.

    • We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities to ensure equal access to employment opportunities and the workplace.

  2. Inclusive Merchant and Customer Interactions

    • ZamWays values diversity among its merchants and customers. We are committed to ensuring that all merchants and customers are treated with respect and dignity.

    • We will not tolerate any discriminatory behavior or practices by our merchants or towards our customers.

  3. Harassment-Free Environment

    • ZamWays is dedicated to maintaining a harassment-free environment. Harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, bullying, or any form of intimidation, is strictly prohibited.

    • All complaints of harassment will be taken seriously and investigated promptly. Appropriate action will be taken against individuals found to have engaged in harassment.

  4. Reporting and Addressing Complaints

    • ZamWays encourages employees, merchants, and customers to report any incidents of discrimination or harassment. Reports can be made to a supervisor, human resources, or through our designated complaint channels.

    • All complaints will be handled confidentially to the extent possible and investigated thoroughly. Retaliation against individuals who report discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated.

  5. Training and Awareness

    • ZamWays will provide regular training to employees and management on anti-discrimination policies and practices.

    • We will also ensure that our merchants are aware of and adhere to our anti-discrimination standards.


  • Employees: All ZamWays employees are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy. Employees are encouraged to report any behavior that violates this policy.

  • Management: Managers and supervisors are responsible for enforcing this policy and ensuring a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. They must promptly address any reported incidents and support affected individuals.

  • Human Resources: The HR department is responsible for providing training, handling complaints, and ensuring compliance with this policy.


Any employee, merchant, or customer found to have engaged in discriminatory or harassing behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment, suspension of merchant privileges, or banning from the platform.

Policy Review

This Anti-Discrimination Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains effective and compliant with applicable laws. ZamWays is committed to continuous improvement and will update this policy as needed to reflect best practices and legal requirements.

By fostering a culture of respect and inclusion, ZamWays aims to create a positive environment for all individuals associated with our platform. Together, we can build a community that values diversity and promotes equality.

Last updated